SSML tutorial

Name SSML Results
PAUSE Hello <break time="2s"/> world. Hello (Pause here for 2 seconds) world.
ORDINAL <say-as interpret-as="ordinal">1</say-as> Spoken as: "First"
CHARACTERS <say-as interpret-as="characters">Hello</say-as> Spoken as: "H E L L O"
CHARACTERS <say-as interpret-as="fraction">5+1/2</say-as> Spoken as: "Five and a half"
UNIT <say-as interpret-as="unit">10 foot</say-as> Spoken as: "Ten feet"
VERBATIM <say-as interpret-as="verbatim">abcdefg</say-as> Spelled out letter by letter
DATE <say-as detail="1" format="yyyymmdd" interpret-as="date">2019-10-10</say-as> Spoken as "The tenth of October, Twenty nighteen"
DATE <say-as format="dm" interpret-as="date">10-9</say-as> Spoken as "The tenth of November"
DATE <say-as detail="2" format="dmy" interpret-as="date">10-9-2019</say-as> Spoken as "September tenth, twenty nighteen"
TIME <say-as format="hms12" interpret-as="time">2:30am</say-as> Spoken as "Two thirty A.M."
SUB <sub alias="HelloWorld">HW</sub> Spoken as "Hello World"
EMPHASIS <emphasis level="moderate">This is an important announcement</emphasis> strong / moderate / none / reduced